About us

About us
At Employment Solutions USA we assist businesses using the Guest Worker Programs to recruit and hire foreign temporary, seasonal or peak agricultural (H-2A Program) and non-agricultural (H-2B Program) guest workers.
We are a one-stop shop, multi-disciplinary group that assists employers in navigating the processes in obtaining a stable, legal, seasonal foreign work-force to help them grow and sustain their businesses in the United States and Puerto Rico.
As US employers are finding it more difficult to recruit local workers, Guest Worker Programs allow access to foreign workers for intermittent and seasonal jobs. At Employment Solutions USA, we provide you the full suite of services required to fulfil your business needs in a cost-efficient and seamless manner.
We are sure that as a company we will be able to establish strong and lasting relationships with our clients. We are professionals in what we do and we have extensive experience providing services of the highest quality.
To provide our clients the attention and support that corresponds, is what allows us to keep growing day by day.